Muara Kuin Floating Market in Banjarmasin Indonesia

Muara Kuin Floating Market or the Floating Market Barito River is the traditional floating markets which are on the river at the mouth of the Barito river Kuin, Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan. Muara Kuin Floating Market is a heritage saujana Banjarmasin. The sellers and buyers using boats, boats in a language called Banjar. This market began after dawn prayers until after seven in the morning. Sunrise reflected light between the transaction vegetables and garden produce from the villages along the Barito river and its tributaries.

Traders boating woman who sells his own produce or neighbors called the hamlet, while the second hand purchase from the hamlet for resale called panyambangan. Keistemewaan this market is still common barter transactions between traders boating, which in Banjar called bapanduk.

Kuin floating market now extinct ascertained following a change in the land market. Many tourists who visit Kuin had to swallow the disappointment of not finding their exoticism stretching on the water market.

The extinction of the traditional markets in the region was triggered by a thousand rivers greedy land culture and supported by regional development is always oriented kedaratan. River channels and canals destroyed replaced with ease road. People who used to have a lot of boats, now proudly owns a motorcycle or a car.

The uniqueness of the Floating Market Banjarmasin - If berunjung to Banjarmasin city, the city known as the city of a thousand rivers should not be missed to the floating market, which has been a worldwide market. This floating market is located in the city of Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan precisely in the estuary of the river Martapura - barito. Why is floating. probably already in the know semualah, traders in this market offers merchandise rowboat (typical boat called banjar), and so are those who want to buy also have to use boats to buy.

Uniquely again, this market activity begins from 3:30 pm until the sun already started to appear around 6:30 pm. IN this market we can buy barang2 as in most markets such as vegetables, fruits, wadai (snacks language banjar), breakfast, and perhaps also buy side dishes (but yesterday I did not see). And quiet, when in the floating market we will be visited by the seller alias approached by the boats while every merchandise and of course there are also many languages ​​and dialects banjo banjo which is also typical.

According to the Banjar people,> yet to Banjarmasin if you have not visited Muara Kuin Floating Market Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan <. Banjarmasin is a city dubbed as the city of a thousand rivers, has a traditional market that is very unique because it is located on the river namely Muara Kuin Floating Market Banjarmasin, this market is in the flow of the Barito River, the river that crosses two provinces in Kalimantan, namely South Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan , To enjoy the unique floating market, we had to get up early, because the operating hours of this floating market started since dawn till 08.00 am and also the distance is quite far from the city of Banjarmasin which is about 45 minutes by boat engine or commonly disebutmasyarakat around with kelotok. We can use the services kelotok to pay rent which ranges from Rp. 70.000, - to Rp. 150.000, - (depending on the number of passengers). Before heading Floating Market is, for the Moslems can advance to pray Fajr in Masjid Sultan Suriansyah, this mosque is the oldest mosque in South Kalimantan, this mosque has special characteristics with unique ornaments banjo and its location is also very close to the dock where the rental kelotok. Along the way to the Floating Market, not a lot of scenery can be enjoyed because the atmosphere was still very dark, it looks just the twinkling lights of the house - a floating house is located on the banks of the river, a large boat lights twinkling in the distance and the smell of river water which is mixed with gasoline. 

Cold air and sea breezes accompany the journey and add curiosity to us immediately on arrival at the Floating Market. On arrival at the Floating Market, the atmosphere of bustle is starting to look obvious, Jukung (traditional boat paddled) jostle each other and the driver's boats with a swift and proficient rowing boats to get shoppers, boat kelotok that we were directly in the assault by merchants or community Banjar boat boats, they immediately offer a variety of merchandise such as vegetables, fruits, garden produce, to unique culinary Banjarmasin. He cried trades above this water, we can directly transact from boat to boat and it is an incredibly unique and typical of this floating market. For visitors who just want to relax, can enjoy a warm cup of tea or coffee and cake tasting food or Banjar, while enjoying forth kelotok and boats as well as the ripples of the waves that hit the raft we were riding. However the atmosphere floating market is not like the atmosphere of the market usually crowded with traders and shoppers, merchants are not many visible and goods offered is also not much.

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