Karang Tawulan Beach Tasikmalaya

ATMOSPHERE natural and quiet as such is not generally a tourist area, greeted us upon arriving at the Coral Coast region tawulan. As far as the eye can see visible some reefs towering waves buffeted the southern ocean, the sound of the distant rumble sounded pretty creepy.
Karang Tawulan Beach

Attraction name Coral Coast tawulan, located in Kalapagenep, district. Cikalong, Tasikmalaya, certainly still very alien. Not so with the hobbyist traveling, attractions are located about 90 kilometers from the center of Tasikmalaya, fairly familiar.

Not only tawulan Coral Coast, travelers who use the route Tasikmalaya-Singaparna-Cipatujah, before going through attraction Sindangkerta Beach, Cipatujah, Pamayangsari, and finally ended up in the attraction Karang tawulan. Distance travel antaraobjek Sindangbarang to Pamayangsari just seven kilometers. Meanwhile, to Karang tawulan which is the border district. Tasimalaya with Ciamis distance of 13 kilometers.
Exotic and natural, as a number of regional tourist attractions revealing panorama Coral tawulan. Compared to the attractions Sindangbarang Pamayangsari rocky and steep and large waves, Coast Coral tawulan inclined ramps. A number of sites is quite safe to use for swimming.

Coral Coast tawulan Still Virgin
BECAUSE still a virgin, natural and quiet atmosphere as such is not generally a tourist area, greeted us upon arriving at the Coral Coast region tawulan. As far as the eye can see visible some reefs towering waves buffeted the southern ocean, the sound of the distant rumble sounded pretty creepy.
Attraction name Coral Coast tawulan located in Kalapagenep, district. Cikalong, Tasikmalaya, certainly still very alien. Not so with the hobbyist traveling, attractions are located about 90 kilometers from the center of Tasikmalaya fairly familiar. Not only tawulan Coral Coast, travelers who use the route Tasikmalaya-Singaparna-Cipatujah, before going through attraction Sindangkerta Beach, Cipatujah, Pamayangsari, and finally ended up in the attraction Karang tawulan. The distance between attractions Sindangbarang to Pamayangsari just seven kilometers. Meanwhile, to Karang tawulan which is the border district. Tasikmalaya Ciamis distance of 13 kilometers.
It's exotic and natural, as a number of regional tourist attractions revealing panorama Coral tawulan. When diibandingkan Attraction with Sindangbarang and Pamayangsari rocky steep and large waves, Coast Coral tawulan inclined ramps, so the number of locations is quite safe to use for swimming.
Therefore, most of the tourists who come to visit the Coral tawulan, generally not only to swim in the middle of the sun. However, also enjoy nature with all its beauty, especially the late afternoon dusk.
When dusk as though we are invited to admire the gift of God's creation is very beautiful and difficult to express. We can see a flock of seagulls drifted back toward the nest in Nusa Manuk, small island slightly out to sea. Among the beating of wings and the noise of the birds towards Nusa Manuk. If the air is clear, we can watch the sun sink behind the back Nusa Manuk.
"This is the excess attraction tawulan Reefs that has not been fully excavated and published," said Wawan A.Gunawan, villagers Kalapagenep.
Tawulan, typical food fish of the sea into the main menu. Even if you are in season, the fish of the sea origin Pamayangsari, guaranteed price is very cheap compared to any tourist beach.
When you're turtle nesting season, especially when the light of the full moon, from midnight to 03:00 pm, we can watch turtles lay their eggs. The location most notably in the area of ​​the beaches tend Pamayangsari Beach still closed coastal plants.
Generally, tourists who visit the area attractions the South Coast or the famous Tasikmalaya Cipatujah Turkish rarely stay in the shelter, if not go with the family. Because, in the morning, around 05:30 pm we can see the low tide to leave the rock pretty luas.Saat walk enjoying the morning air in these rocks, we can also see a number of small marine animals of different colors in the gully. Kumang or sea slugs easily captured.
Coral Coast tawulan can be one tourist destination because of its location which is not so far from Pangandaran. To get to the attractions Reefs tawulan, will pass through the attraction Sindangkerta Beach, Cipatujah, Pamayang, and other objects that are on the right side of the road.
Approximately 100 meters to the east of the beach there Kawangtawulan Sacred Tomb of Sheikh Abdul Rohman sertaEyang Garuda Ngupuk and beside them there Parat Goa and Goa Lalay.
If along the southern West Java region connecting between Beach Pelabuhan Ratu Sukabumi Pangandaran beach in Ciamis, there is no harm in stopping to rest with family or entourage on this beach. The beautiful beaches treated to some gazebo / saung to see as far as the eye can see out to sea to bring a romantic feel and coolness when his face a long journey.

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