Waterfall Malela (Curug Malela)

Curug Malela
Curug Malela which in Indonesian means Waterfall Malela, located in the village of Cicadas, District Cavities - Gununghalu West Bandung regency, West Java
province, Indonesia. Upstream the river coming from the north slope of Mount Kendeng, a volcano located in the west Ciwidey that have died, the river flows through Cidadap - Gununghalu.

Malela waterfall has a height of about 60-70 meters and has five lanes waterfall that seems to remind us of the supreme creator not to forget prayers five (5) times. If the water flow was heavy then it will look dazzling splendor, even when viewed from a distance seem like threads of fine silk. On the right looks a cliff high enough white downward. It is possible that once the wall is also a waterfall. If so, you can imagine how beautiful and magnificent waterfall Malela this. A hidden paradise almost isolated from civilization and like a treasure trove that has not worked optimally.

Curug Malela waterfall, is the top of a series of seven waterfalls along 1 km. The sequence is Curug Malela, Katumiri waterfall, waterfall Manglid, Ngebul waterfall, waterfall Sumpel, Curug Curug Palisir and closed with Pameungpeuk. All located in the village of Cicadas, District cavities, West Bandung regency.

Each waterfall has its own peculiarities. Curug Malela has a separate waterfalls while falling by 5 existing line. Curug Katumiri at 8-9 can show a rainbow in the water body falls. Curug Ngebul is the opposite of the waterfall Malela, the water that falls precisely assembled causing fog and sound effects blaring.

Curug Manglid has a cave behind the waterfall. Curug Sumpel have areas under waterfalls that though looks narrowly wide from distance. Curug Curug Malela Palisir similar, though with a lower height. Lastly, Curug Pameungpeuk is a waterfall to the mouth of the river and Cisoka Cidadap located not far from the waterfall.

Actually in this region (District of Cavities are still some beautiful waterfall and well worth a visit. As Buana waterfall, waterfall and waterfall Cilinggapayung Nyandung. Unfortunately, to reach the second place it should be through the rugged terrain and damaged.

Curug Malela or in Indonesian means waterfall malela its location in the village of Cicadas, Bandung District Subdistrict sockets Gununghalu Barat.Dan natural attractions in Bandung West this can be achieved for approximately 3 hours drive from downtown Bandung, and walk to the location as far as 10 km and down the green hills and beautiful overlays.

Towards Curug Malela
There are two paths to reach the waterfall Malela, namely the path through Sukabumi or Cianjur and Bandung or lines of Cimahi are generally taken because it is easy.

If traveling from the city of Cimahi time required to reach the waterfall about 3 hours late. From Cimahi traveling through the area Batujajar and district town and Cililin Cihamelas. Roads that meandered but the condition is generally smooth. After passing Cililin, then entered the district town Sindangkerta, Bunijaya, Gunung Halu, and tea plantations cavity.

After the cavity of City District, about 8 km from the location of the waterfall, the road conditions turn out to be rocky with steep climbs. Entering the village of Cicadas, to get to the location of the waterfall there are no signposts.

After parking the vehicle at the last village, proceed on foot at a distance of approximately 2 km. Roads that are footpaths with rising contours turn.

When using public transportation from Bandung, the trip can be started from Terminal Ciroyom using inter-city bus route to the Buni Jaya passing through Ciroyom, Cililin, Sindang Kerta, Gunung Halu and cavity with a travel time of about 3-4 hours. Or from Terminal Leuwi Long bus ride to the majors Cimahi or Cililn, then proceed with public transportation to Bunijaya.

Arrived in the terminal Bunijaya trip continues to the village of Cicadas using motorcycles as far as approximately 12 km along the cliffs and canyons with rocky road conditions (off road) and meander filled with sharp bends. Motorcycle taxi fare up to this Cicadas Village Rp 4,000 for a shuttle.

After that from the outskirts of the village of Cicadas continued to walk 3-4 km along the path through the woods, along the rice paddies and several derivatives that even combing the steep gorge.

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